Find Beauty Friday || 2

Find Beauty Friday

I did a post this summer that I had thought I might turn into a series. Then I stopped blogging, again. I still like the idea so I thought I would bring it back now that I am trying to get back into the swing of things.

My Find Beauty Friday post was about my desire to find beauty in everyday life. It was about my desire to strive to find the magic even in the mundane. I love the concept of this and have been trying really hard to actually put it to practice. Sometimes that is easier than others.

Last weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving or just Thanksgiving as we Canadians call it at home. I always find myself a little more introspective at this time of year. Sometimes we can get all caught up in the needs and wants of life and trying to figure out the difference between the two. I NEED to go to Disneyland! It is nice to sit back and remember that we have so much to be thankful for at this and any time of year really.


We are so lucky to live where we do. We are surrounded by beauty. Whether it be in the surrounding mountains and lakes or the one of the many amazing orchards nearby. Not to mention the collection of wineries and vineyards we live nestled in. British Columbia has been dubbed Beautiful BC for as long as I can remember and it has earned it with every inch of this extraordinary province. Inspiration seems easy to find when taking these things into consideration especially in the summer. Even now in the fall with the season changing with all the colours of the wind, beauty is everywhere.

The simple act of going for a walk or run outdoors is inspiration enough for me. My sense of wanderlust carries around physically and mentally to all different sorts of places. I just feel so blessed that this place that I get to come back to every time. The place I get to call home. It is something that I could take for granted because there are so many places in this world that I could of been born into that I would not have any of the comforts or freedoms that I enjoy now. To think of all the ways life is so different for many people especially women around the world can be so hard. It just makes me all that much more grateful.

I choose to find beauty all around me because it is there if I only care to look. Whether it be in the simple indulgence of a holiday piece of pumpkin pie with ice cream or peaceful walks along the beach with the security of holding the hand of someone who loves me unconditionally. I will strive to find beauty. To make the comfortable or seemingly mundane moments magical and I will forever be thankful for each and every one of them.


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