

Can you believe I actually blogged everyday last week? It is a miracle. Not only that but I am here again today. It is so exciting! It has been awhile since I last caught you up so I thought I would let you in on what is going on with me currently other than my totally basic love of all things fall. Especially, the view from our balcony lately. Just look at those clouds. Ok, let’s dive right in.

READING || Since I am finally caught up on the Outlander series, I needed something epic to distract me until Diana gets around to publishing book 9. I decided to pick up the Game of Thrones series again. I read the first book and loved it. Then I decided to watch the HBO series instead because I got distracted by Outlander. Now that I am caught up on Outlander and awaiting the next seasons of both to air, I thought I would pick the books back up. I am currently reading the third book, A Storm of Swords. It is weird because this the first time I have watched something before reading it. I have a firm belief that the book is always better and I always read first then watch. Or I watch and don’t read. I am actually enjoying it doing it backwards which I was skeptical about but I figured if it could be done then this was the series it would be worth it for. I was right.

WATCHING ||  How To Get Away With Murder on Netflix. OBSESSED. The funny thing is I actually watched the pilot when it aired and thought I could take it or leave it. I decided to give it another chance cause we were trying to find something we could watch together and Scott was interested in it.

LOVING || WordPress. I have been contemplating this move for about a year. I really wish I would have done it sooner. I haven’t got all the kinks worked out yet but it will come. I have one major one that I haven’t been able to figure a fix to yet. I was able to transfer pretty seamlessly to the new domain except for my comments. Which are obviously important. Damn that Disqus.

WANTING || The new Aura One e-reader from Kobo. It looks amazing. There is technically nothing wrong with the one I have so I may just have to add it to my birthday/Christmas wish list.

LISTENING TO || The sounds of rain and fire to sleep at night. It is actually really relaxing and helps me unwind faster. I tend to have one of the minds that goes a mile a minute as soon as my head hits the pillow no matter how tired I am. This really helps me turn that off. I imagine I am listening to it on the roof of our cabin.

WAITING FOR ||My inner teenage girl is waiting for Richelle Mead’s release of the 10th anniversary of her Vampire Academy novel. Stephenie Meyer look what you started. It has a collection of new short stories it that sound interesting. On a side note, I am still upset about how bad they did the movie. This series could of been amazing onscreen. Unfortunately, the decided to go cheap/campy and just no. Of course, it bombed at the box office. Yes, I am still bitter. Especially because my favourite character doesn’t show up until the second book and so I didn’t get to see him. Although, considering what we got maybe that is a good thing.

DRINKING || Coffee, coffee, coffee. It must be in prep for my highly anticipated re-union with my all-time favourite gals, the Gilmore Girls next month. Counting the sleeps. Literally. 39.

EATING || Broccoli. I am obsessed with it lately.

NEEDING || A trip to Disneyland before the end of the year, perhaps for my birthday. I really need to go back before they shutdown The Tower of Terror to re-theme it. It is my favourite ride! I am sure the new Guardians of the Galaxy theme will be spectacular but….

Yes, I realize this is really more of a want but to a girl with a Disney obsession want and need are really the same thing. Besides I already wrote something in for wanting. #firstworldproblems 

WANDERLUSTING || Our next cruise(s). We have two booked for next year and they seem so far away. We may even swap the first one out for a different one. Yikes. We are super stoked about the second one. It can’t come fast enough except that it was booked for my 40th birthday and I am just not ready for that quite yet.

WRITING || Blog posts! So exciting. I know. Well, at least for me it is.

SEEING || The Girl on The Train movie. I’m a big fan of the book and I thought the movie did it justice. How about you? Have you either seen it/read it or both?

That pretty much wraps up what is going on with me currently.



8 thoughts on “Currently

  • so exciting to be back at it! and really WP is just the best in all the land. can you just throw disqus on here so you don’t lose all your comments? i don’t blame you for dreaming about disney – it’s a good train!

    xoxo cheshire kat

    • Thanks, Kerri! It really is. I have been trying to avoid putting Disqus on here. It is pretty involved to transfer it to a totally new domain. Also, I didn’t want to use it again. Disney is the best train. I really need to get something booked! Haha

    • Thanks, Olya! It is good to be back. We are pretty excited about them. We have a Southern Caribbean and a Pacific Coastal booked. We have been mulling over swapping out the PC cruise for an Alaskan one but haven’t decided yet. 🙂


    I love Game of Thrones, but haven’t read any of the books. Are they worth it? I’ve heard they’re great. I’ve also heard great things about HTGAWM, but haven’t pulled the trigger on that either. We’re currently watching Big Bang Theory, and loving it!

    • They are re-theming the Tower of Terror in Disneyland with Guardians of the Galaxy at the beginning of January. I believe the one in WDW will be the same though. So at least there is that? Not really a consolation for me though. The California park is my jam. lol

      I love Game of Thrones too! Obviously. haha. I wasn’t sure it was going to be worth reading it after already seeing the show but it totally is. I am really enjoying it! Big Bang Theory is awesome.

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