Friday Favourites : Wedding Crashing Cheetor

Friday is here again. I wish it were here to stay. Unfortunately, Fridays are fleeting. All the really good days are. Spring is in full bloom around here. You may have noticed since I have been spamming you across all social media because I am giddy with sunshine. That is totally a thing. I swear. I was going to share some awesome pictures from my walk today for Friday Favourites with Amanda but it turns out I pretty much sent them all out over the waves already.  

Spring always brings that love is in the air kind of feel.  Don’t you think? Spring, love and weddings just seem to go together. A few whiles ago got that from a very hip 5 year old I posted a few wedding pictures for my Friday faves.  If you missed it, you can catch up here. You guys seemed to like that so I thought I would post a few more. It was not The Plaza in June as any romantic comedy will let you know that is the wedding to have but it was The Vancouver Golf Club in November and it was our kind of perfect. 

Perfect for crashing apparently.  Little did I know that there was a sneaky little cheetah named Cheetor that was quite upset that he wasn’t at the top of our guest list or the bottom.  He decided to take matters into his own paws. There was no way he was going to miss the biggest thing happening that day.  He stowed away in my purse in secret.

He kept a low profile at the ceremony because every cheetah knows the reception is where the party is at. Later at the reception he was seen drinking with a couple bridesmaids during dinner.

Once that cat was out of the bag so to speak and a little tipsy I might add he crawled right up on Pride Rock wait a minute the podium and acted all MC Cool Cat.  We kept telling him we already had a Master of Ceremonies but he just didn’t care.

He did however almost fall off the podium from laughing so hard when the real MC brought out the chocolate milk.  Even though, it is common knowledge now among family and friends alike not everyone and especially not Cheetor knew that when I was a little girl I used to steal chocolate milk boxes at my aunt’s house.  I also thought I was so clever that if I threw all the empties behind the freezer no one would ever know. Boy, was I wrong and my aunt did find that surprise one day! Don’t worry, clearly she got her revenge here.

After all the speeches and toasting, Cheetor was hungry again and decided nobody would notice if he sampled the cake a little.

On a sugar high Cheetor then decided to get back in the game. Bridesmaids are easy targets. So they say and he had something to prove back at the den so he set his heights a little higher.  Caught on camera smooching the bride and a maid from earlier. By caught, I mean he had the paparazzi taken pictures so he would have bragging rights later.

When the night came to an end he hitched a ride out of there with his favourite bridesmaid.  I think they knew each other from before or something. At least I hope they did.

Then we all lived happily ever after.
The End.
P.S. Don’t forgot to check out our newlywed girl Amanda and see what she’s got going on today.
P.P.S. All photos are credited to Stanton’s Photography.  If you live in the Lower Mainland and need a photographer he is amazing.  Definitely check him out.