The One With The Pizza Party

Should I start this post of with an apology? This is the post a lot of you have been waiting for. The one with the delicious pizza from the time I ate all the things. Only it isn’t a recipe. #sorrynotsorry Scott and I got invited to a private pizza party at Skaha Pizza before their official grand opening. We had a lot of fun and I even remembered to bring my big girl camera.

Basically, it was a super fun make own pizza night at the newest up and coming pizzeria in town. Lucky for me I also had the best chef ever to make pizza for us so I could play photographer. Bringing the camera really helped me out because I tend to be a little shy around new people. Shocker, I know. wink wink Scott knows the owner and family through work and he was in the kitchen so he already felt at home.

We talked a little about how the make the dough and the process of perfecting the recipe. Then Scott started rolling some out. Then it was time to get to work with the important stuff like sauce and toppings. With such fresh and great quality ingredients these pizzas were bound to be delicious. 

Time to head to the oven. OMG, the smell as they were cooking was more than mouth-watering to say the least. Talked and wined and patiently waited.

I want this knife. I am told it is over kill for our at pizza needs though. Not sure I care though. It is quite impressive.

The night was a huge success. I mean, how could it not be. It had all the right ingredients. They have been officially open for business for 2 months now and business is booming. We are so happy for them. If you live in the area or are just stopping through, this is a place is must on your to do list.