post vacation blues?

Well, we have been back from paradise for a week now.  It has been a cold transition back to reality.  One I have been fighting every step of the way.  The weather here before we left was still quite nice.  Still full of sunny days and what was left of summer seemed to be lingering.  Then we headed off into to the Caribbean sun.  Basked, sweat and fried a little……all with smiles on our faces and a song in our hearts.  something to the tune of toes in the water and asses in the sand.  Winter was far from our minds as we de-planned for the third and final time at midnight last Monday night.  Tired and dreaming of white sand beaches and fruity drinks with umbrellas in them we stumbled and fell face first off the plane into the frigid reality that it was now the middle of November and it was freezing.  Ugh.

Getting back to reality after a vacation is never easy or fun.  I feel like I have been having an especially hard time with it this time.  I thought I would make a list of all the things I am struggling with.  The struggle is real.

1. I can’t seem to find the Lido Deck.  This is especially troubling since it is the meeting place for all things fun related whether you can remember them or not.  Not to mention slushy drinks, pool parties, sunbathing, movie watching and belly stuffing.

2.  There is no one to do my clean my room, make my bed, do the laundry.

3.  How can I possibly to get to sleep without a little chocolate sleeping pill?

4. I have no idea how to feed myself anymore.  Where’s the buffet or the dinning room? What do you mean I have to make it myself? I couldn’t possibly. Take out or dine in it is.

5.  Which is a huge problem cause I am starving all the time now.

6. Apparently it is not acceptable to drink at every meal and even in between anymore.  Boo on that. Although, bonus points for home because the wine and coffee are WAY better here.  

7.  My sail and sign card doesn’t work anymore.  They said I could use it anywhere.   I just want to charge it is back to the room and deal with it later.  Ok?  No.  Hot, damn.

8.  The beaches here are beautiful but do not let them fool you.  The water is not warm this time of year.  In fact, I saw something shiny creeping over the creek that makes me think maybe Elsa has been for a visit.

9. Where is the chocolate melting cake? I need my fix.

10.  I seem to be waking up in the same place everyday and the only excursion I am allowed to go on is to work.

11.  Towel animals.  I miss those cuties.

12.  Sweaters, boots, scarves and layers instead of flip flops, bathing suits and sundresses.  Ok.  Maybe that one is a tie but I do love all those things.  Especially my new Hunter boots I have been living in the last week almost.

13. No one is entertaining me. Thank God for PVR.

14. No one is taking my picture every 3 seconds.  Ok, also maybe a good thing.

I am pretty sure I could keep this list going for a while yet but I am going to cut it here.  I have to get to organizing my thoughts and photos for you.  I promise I will have some actual trip posts up soon!