Lost Blogger Sighted!

So….it turns out I am completely rubbish at this whole blogging thing these days. I mean, you have to actually blog to be a blogger. This place has been collecting dust for quite some time. I am sorry about that. I had the best intentions of blogging more this year. Life has just been getting in the way. I went back to work full-time and I am still trying to adjust to that. The whole work/life/blog balance is something I am not quite sure how to balance at the moment. I would love to start trying it out again so I have been dipping my toes in a little. I have started to try to make the time to start reading blogs again. Which in turn you are all inspiring me to want to write, create and connect here too. I always miss you guys when I am away.

I have even been neglecting my social media more than I would like. Except Snapchat for some reason. I guess, it is just so effortless to use. I love that it is just life – unedited. So easy for a girl that doesn’t have time to edit this and that to post a little something.

What have I been up to otherwise? Not a heck of a lot. Work. Gym. Walking.

Reading has also been taking up a fair bit of my time. Most recently, I have re-read through the first 4 Harry Potter books and I am now almost done The Bitter Season by Tami Hoag. Who by the way is pretty much my all time favourite author.

I am currently a couple of episodes into the last season of Downton Abbey with my sister. I will be so sad when we are done!

Waiting on the edge of my seat for the Outlander Season Two premiere in April. I am also now listening to The Fiery Cross book 5. It was finding that it was just taking me so long to get through them so I decided to try it on audiobook. I do a lot of walking so I just listen to it when I am doing that and I have found it is going along quite smoothly now. I am really enjoying it. I did the same thing when I read the first Game of Thrones book.

I also can’t wait to see Allegiant. I have mixed feelings about the book but I am still looking forward to seeing the movie.

We booked a second cruise for 2017 with Princess Cruises. We haven’t cruised Princess since our first cruise 7 years ago but we thought we would give it another try. I will fill you in on the details soon. I think it is sort of silly that we have two vacations booked for 2017 and nothing for this year yet. We have some plans in the works but haven’t nailed anything it down yet.

I finally tried the new Crush from Apothic. That is some damn good wine. I actually ended up trying their Dark as well in the process of looking for the Crush. Divine! I am not even sure which is better. I will have to do some more sampling of both of them and let know. Now I just have to try the White which I am convinced will be amazing since all three reds are winners in my book.

Speaking of wine, I am so excited because wine touring season around is really starting to open up! I can’t wait to get out to ALL of those wineries. Yes, every single one of the 200 and something wineries we have in the area. A girl can dream, right? I will definitely do my best at ticking them off the list AND documenting it for you.

I think this about sums up what I have been up to while I was lost in a non-blogging season of life. Fingers crossed I will eventually get a hang of life and balance it all to better fit this amazing little community in a little more on the regular. Miss you all! Can’t wait to hear from you!