Let’s Run Away Together

It is spring break around these parts. Not that I am benefiting from that at all. Unless you call the movie theatre being too full to get tickets to see Cinderella without having my face mashed up against the screen and deciding to just turn around and go home a benefit? No, I didn’t think it was either. Although to be fair, I for once forgot my OCD pants in the laundry and didn’t pre-buy the tickets or even bother to look ahead of time to see how full it was. In my defence, this is a really small town and generally when we go to the movies if the theatre is crowded there are 2 other couples in there with us. Of course, one of those is sitting right behind us kicking my chair the time. I have kind of been in my winter no tourists coma and I forgot it was spring break. Oops.
I can’t say I have ever been away for spring break before. I think it is definitely something I would like to try.  It seems like it would be right up my alley. Probably not the way the college kids are doing it but this wanderlusting gal could definitely do a mid-March vacation. Just pack and go.  Wouldn’t that be fabulous? 

A friend and her husband are heading down to the Caribbean for cruise. We usually do that in November.  Would we love it in spring too? Olya and her hubby are in San Diego for a week.  Can’t wait to hear about it when they get back.  I love that city so much.  

If I close my eyes, I can dream about running away somewhere amazing.  Close your eyes and you can see it too.  Where are we headed? What does it look like to you? Hot and sunny on a sandy beach? The slight chill of a Northeastern breeze? Caught in a spring shower on the streets of London? Touring castles around Inverness? Discovering the beauty of cherry blossoms in Japan? Ski re-treat in the Alps or Aspen? Old cobblestone roads well anywhere? I love them all. Tell me where you want to go and I will meet you there.
Say we will run away together even if we only ever talk about it.  wink wink
Have you ever been away for spring break? If so, where?