Flashback Friday Favourites

It is finally Friday everyone! It has been an ok week around here. I am starting to feel more normal. Trying to keep myself busy so I don’t have time to reflect. At least not a lot of time.  It has been two weeks now since Tigger left us.  I swear I see him running around right behind me like always still.  I have a confession to make. I have been watching that cute little video every night. I miss him so. It hurts but it helps. I feel compelled to do so and I go with it.  I know a time will come when I don’t need to.  A day I might forget.  It scares me a little so right now I take things one day at a time. 
In an effort to distract myself from my new current distraction of baking.  It smells so good in here but I don’t want to gain all the pounds.  I was looking through my photo library.  I found a bunch of old film photos that I had scanned into the computer. I thought I would share them with you so you could get a kick out them too.  Embarrassing childhood photos are always fun.  We will pretend we are laughing together and not just at me, ok? Thanks.  wink wink
This photo was taken of Nana and I on a train trip to Calgary for a family reunion many, many moons ago.  Apparently, some of my relatives tried to steal me but luckily I made it out alive.
Just hanging on the couch with daddy.  Hey, wait a minute! I think I have the same haircut now. Maybe it is a tad longer.  I am sure it was way softer back then though.
All smiles. Probably cause this was the last time I ever tried to look dainty.  
Leave to my sister to be trying to hold a dog’s tongue while we are having our picture taken.  What is she doing trying to make sure Sheba smiles?
All the cool girls were in Girl Guides.  Until grade 8 when boys friends became more important. 

Halloween 1989.  When I grow up I want to be a stripper with pink hair?  Thankfully that only lasted one night. Where is my skirt? Inquiring minds would like to know. Also, that television set and speaker kill me.

Hideous photo quality not even sure what happened with that but graduation it is. Somebody forgot to tell my date not to tickle a girl during photos. Otherwise, it is going to look like she is grabbing her own boob.

Well, if that isn’t a blast from the past. It is always nice to look back a laugh. I can feel the sequel of the college years coming on. Don’t forget to stop on by and see what Amanda is up to today!