Clearing Out The Dust Bunnies For A Blog Birthday

Hello? Is anybody there? This place has been a ghost town for the last couple months so I wouldn’t be surprised if all that was left was a few dust bunnies rolling in the wind. Which is totally my fault. I never meant to take a break but then I did. Life got in the way and then the longer I stayed away the harder it was to get motivated to come back. I haven’t even been reading blogs. I apologize to those of you who I used to seeing my little stalker messages on your blogs for the sudden radio silence.
I have definitely been missing this place and you people. Both have such a cherished place in my life and my heart. I have been trying to get back and I hopefully soon I will be back into the swing of things. Today I am feeling a little extra guilt though. Today is CWW’s 1st birthday! Does it even count if I haven’t blogged since the end of May? Well, it IS still my blog and I say it does so will you join me for a bottle glass or two to celebrate? Looking back over the last year we have already shared so many together. I am looking forward to sharing many more with you. 

Thank you so much for all of your love and support over the last year. Even beyond for those of you that followed me here from the old blog. You guys are amazing and the real reason it is worth it to keep coming back here. I hope you can open a bottle or three to enjoy while I get my groove back. Things may be a little wobbly cause I am feeling a little rusty.