Baby, I’m back!

I can hardly believe how much time has passed since I last blogged. I never meant to take  a break or let’s be honest…quit because the last time I blogged was damn near a year ago. My how time flies. I have missed this space and community so much. It sort of feels like a part of me has been missing. It has been strange not having this outlet. I have not only been completely absent from here but I have also been terrible at updating my social media. I am trying to be better at that too.

I don’t really have a good excuse. Life has just been in the way. Maybe that is ok and maybe it isn’t but I feel like it is time to change that.  I am ready to come back. I am only hoping that you will be as excited as I am about it. I am not really sure what that will mean. I would love to say that I will be back to blogging full-time in my dreams but I know that may be a lofty goal no matter what my best intentions are. Only time will tell what me being back will actually mean. Just know that I love and miss you all and I do plan to be here as much as I can.

I already have a some posts scheduled for the near future and a few things brewing in my little head here. I am super excited about this in case you can’t tell.

P.S. You may have noticed that things are looking a little different around here. I decided that a return from a 10 month blogging break deserves some fresh new digs. A new blog design always seems to perk things up and help with the motivation. Well, once it the set up is all said and that is. I hope you like it as much as I do.  Wish me luck!

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