And then there was a blog post, finally!

I have been thinking about you lately. Wondering how you are all doing, what you have been up to and so much more. It has been pressing on me. I miss you. I feel a bit disconnected and I am not really a fan of it. I have poked my head in a few times but really it isn’t enough. I need more.

I know it may not seem that way since this place has been a ghost town for months now. I have wanted to come back and even planned to do so many, many times. I have things I really wanted to share and yet I couldn’t seem to muster up the motivation or the words to do it. Plus, sometimes life just gets in the way. I want to get that motivation back. I want to be here with you again. I want to share and connect and enjoy it all again.

I am not sure what all that means other than that I am going to try and show up to class. Maybe not full-time but I want to be here. I don’t want to pressure myself too much after such a long break. Just write and share when the mood strikes. I am hoping that it will blossom back out naturally as it has in the past.

Thank you so much to those of you have a stuck around during this hiatus. Your support means the world to me. It is what makes me love this space and our community so much. It is what brings me back.

A new year and fresh start for all of us. Endless possibilities. Cliche, of course. Still it is the truth. Hopefully they will find us here together or in your corner of the world often. I am celebrating 2016 here and now by sharing a picture from our vacation last November. I have yet to share all of that with you and I think it is about time I do that among other things. I am looking forward to it and I hope you are too.