and that’s a wrap

I just can’t believe how fast this summer has flown by.  Today is my last day with my nephews.  I will be heading back to the real world after the long weekend. Assuming I survive my brother’s birthday.  you know what they say about assuming This summer has been filled making memories filled with fun and laughter.  I love spending time with these boys even when they boggle my mind as children can.  It is such a unique and great opportunity that I got to spend summer with them again this year.

Most days were spent were spent in the sun just soaking it up.  The best way to do that whether you are 6 or 36 is in the pool.  I definitely don’t have the stamina of those two bundles of energy for endless hours of pool time hi-jinx.  So occasionally if the mood was right I got to sit on the sidelines with a coffee and my pool-time book.  Which means it is taking most of the latter part of the summer to get 3/4 of the way through this book.  Maybe next week I will get to finish it.  haha.  I feel for all you moms out there.

There are some things you just can’t do by the pool like build sandcastles or look for tiny fish.  So of to the beach we go.  Beach bonus – Ogo’s ice cream.  Yum.  Yum.

The absolute joy and exhaustion that comes with getting a new bike.

There were some days when the sun would hide from us and we would have to patiently wait for her return.  It seemed that there was more opportunity for storm watching this year than last and we like that.  We snuggled up and watched a few classic movies for the first time.  Well, their first time at least.  Aladdin, Hook and The Mighty Ducks were among the top new to them favourites.   We also passed the hours with our favourite boardgames.  Crafts are always a good from card to crayon making and a few in between.

Of course, they did the #ALSIceBucketChallenge.  Apparently, this is the only picture I got of Nate.  When you are 12 you tend to do your own thing a little more and you don’t really want to have your picture taken even when you do join in.  It is so crazy to see how grown up he is getting.  And smart, this kid is SMART.  He’s going places, this one.  Yes.  
Through it all we had our faithful sidekick, Pancake.  Always ready for action.  I think this is the only time all summer she didn’t have her kong in her mouth.  Almost.  
And that’s a wrap for the summer that was 2014.