A Sweetheart Award

Just to keep the spirit of Valentine’s and sweethearts around a little longer we have Liebster season again.  I am so grateful to Miriam from Farm Girl for nominating me! She is such an amazing woman and blogger.   I was totally in awe that she would nominate me.  Thanks, Miriam.  She pointed out in her post that Liebster is German for sweetheart.  I have been nominated a few times before but I actually don’t think I knew that.  I think that is really sweet.  haha.  As the rules go, Miriam had some questions for me to answer.  So, let’s dive in.
1.  What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? I blogged about this on my old blog before so some of you may remember this story.  When I was a teenager, I went camping with my family.  I was sharing a tent with my younger sister and my cousin.  I woke up in the middle of the night and thought some one was rummaging around our campsite.  It seemed like they were there forever.  I was so scared I was getting cold sweats.  Then I thought I heard them touching our tent and trying to open the zipper up.  I started screaming for my uncle.  Woke my whole family up.  There was no one there.  Nothing in our campsite was disturbed.  Everyone was convinced that I had dreamt the whole thing.  It was really embarrassing.  I am screaming like I am being killed for no reason what so ever apparently.  To this day I still can’t believe it was a dream and they still tease me about it.
2.  Do you have any experiences that were utterly life changing? What happened? I have had a couple.  Probably the most life changing one I had I am not going to talk about because I am actually posting about it later in the week.  The next one or probably even tied would be when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and what we went through with her battle and eventual passing.  The whole experience changed me as person.  How I viewed life and such but really it is too much to explain in this type of Q&A.  Maybe and blog post for another day.  Maybe.
3.  What did you study/major in school?  I went to a Christian College and studied a combo of psychology & philosophy/religion.  I also did a little art.  Which I keep saying I would love get back into and don’t.  One day.
4.  What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it now? I wanted to be a child psychologist or a lawyer depending on the time.  No I am not doing either.
5.  What is one bit of advice you would give to your younger self, if you could go back in time? Hmmmm.  Hindsight.  You know what they say about that.  I would definitely go back and tell my younger self to believe in myself.  There was a specific time in my life where I should of stood up for what I wanted/needed.  I didn’t.  I let my mom’s opinions of what she wanted for my life be my own.  I let her make a decision for me that I shouldn’t have.  I wished I had had the to courage to do what I thought was right for me because I should of realized that I know best how I feel in my heart.
6.  Tea or coffee? Why? Both, but first coffee.  Always.  I drink a ridiculous amount of coffee but Scott likes to sleep at night so for his benefit I switch later in the day to tea.
7.  If you could change your name to anything what would it be? I have always loved the name Jessica or Isabella.  Not very original but still love them anyway.
8.  Have you ever spent a few days binge reading a blog? Whose was it? Why? Oh, I haven’t done that in quite a while.  One of the first blogs I remember binge reading was Buttergirl Diaries.  I loved it so.   Well, I still do but she doesn’t blog as much as she used.  Ginny has some of the best recipes, her bulldog is super cute and she is newlywed.  So, of course I loved her wedding posts.
9.  Who is your biggest role model? Why? Probably my Nana.  She was one fabulous lady.  I miss her every day.  I would have to say that both of my siblings have a huge influence on me as well.  They are both really great people with amazing qualities.  Sometimes I feel a little sorry for my sister though cause I think she got the short stick in life.  Like she’s the big sister except she actually isn’t.  I think that is why we had to go out and get a big brother to even it out. haha.
10.  If you could spend the day with anyone from Friends, who would it be? Why? IF I really have to choose,  I am going to agree with Miriam and go with Chandler.  That guy cracks me up.  I would love to spend the day laughing till my stomach hurt.
11.  What is the very first thing you do every morning? Embarrassing but I also grab my phone before I roll out of bed.  Instagram most specifically.
I agree that these are great questions so I am going to pass them along.  Also, it is getting pretty late and I am starting to lack in the brain cell department.  I nominate Courtney, Kara, Olya, Kerri, Haley, and Laurie.  I am just spreading a little love.  Feel free to post or not to post but definitely enjoy a glass of your favourite drink and give yourself a little high five.