Step by Step || This Little Blog of Mine

Step 1 || Insert totally random but adorable cat picture.

Step 2 || Don’t freak out. Yes, it has been a year and half since you last posted. Wow, that’s sad and embarrassing. You will be fine. This is something you love and miss. It is ok to come back to it on your own terms. Even if those terms have changed.

Step 3 || Blog when you want to. When you have the time and energy. Blog for you. You don’t have to Blog full-time. Remember that. There doesn’t have to be deadlines and pressure and that jazz.

Step 4 || Write whatever you want. Don’t worry about it. Close your eyes and type. This is for you because you need it. Not to please anyone else or any specific ideal.

Step 5 || Let it bring you joy. It doesn’t have to stressful. Step away when it is. Remember that.

Smile and laugh because now you have Step by Step stuck in your head and now you have to listen to it. And according to this logic there can only be 5 steps.

Cheers, till next time.

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